Frank "Kupfer" Markmeyer

Hier gibt es die deutsche Version.
Moin, Moin !!!
Because I am a guy, who was born in the north of Germany and lived there all my life, I would like to say hello in the way, people talk up here, Moin ! (It means "Hi", or something like that). So, I am Frank, but most of my friends call me "Kupfer" (Copper). I got this name on a soccer-field in the little village, where I lived the first 21 years of my life, because of my red hair.
The most interesting things about me in a short way::
In 1989 A.D. I began my studies in computer science at the University of Bremen. After the "Vordiplom" I moved to Hamburg to have a nice time in a big city and to enjoy living on my own. After 5 injuries due to playing soccer and basketball and the quite long time I needed to get used to this amazing city and the university, I found out what I really want to do in my studies. It´s the problem of security and safety in the computer technologie. So I wrote my "Studienarbeit" with the topic "Security in local Area networks with Novell Netware in a company". In addition to regular class I work in project about auditing with the DFN-CERT.
Beside my studies I work a lot. Most of the time I worked for Daimler Benz Aerospace in Hamburg. I supported there the user help-desk for the PCs and tried to kill the viruses. In the summer of 1995 I worked in the Open System Center of IBM in Hamburg. I worked there with OS/2 (what else !?!) and learned there a lot about the IBM software.
In my freetime I used to do a lot of sports, but after bad injuries with my knee and my foot, I had to stop that. So I watch sport only on television. My other hobbies are: Cocking, music, computers, internet, boule and collecting Zippos (more on my fun page).

That´s all, go to my FUN PAGE

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