Infos zu OS/2


Achtung die Daten sind NUR FÜR DEN INTERNEN GEBRAUCH!!

Wenn auf den Webseiten noch detailiertere infos stehen sollen, findet Ihr eine Tabelle mit den Bezeichnungen der ben”tigten FixPaks und deren URL's auf den Seiten (OS/2 )
IBM hat fr OS/2, DOS, Netware und Windows einen Treiber, der einen Workaround fr ein fehlerhaftes BIOS darstellt. Ob der Treiber auf einem konkreten PC funktioniert, kann mit einem Testprogramm in Erfahrung gebracht werden. Desweiteren muá das Betriebssystem Y2K compliant sein. Beschreibung und Treiber findet man unter folgender URL:
Eine detailierte Liste aller Komponeneten der OS/2 Network Computing Software Products ("NCS") in bezug auf Y2K findet sich unter folgender URL:

Network Computing Software Products Year 2000 Classification

The following IBM OS/2 and DOS Personal Software Products ("NCS Products") will be considered Year 2000 Ready with the installation of applicable fixpaks1 which will be made available from NCS. What we mean by Year 2000 Ready is that these NCS Products, when used in accordance with their associated documentation, are capable of correctly processing, providing and/or receiving date data within and between the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, provided that all other products (for example, hardware, software and firmware) used with these NCS Products properly exchange accurate date data with the NCS Products.

The OS/2 and DOS base operating system API calls for the following NCS Products are Year 2000 Ready2:

  • IBM OS/2 Warp Version 4 operating system
  • IBM OS/2 Warp Version 3 operating system
  • IBM PC DOS Version 7 operating system
These three operating systems are distributed across the following offerings2:

The following NCS OS/2 products are Year 2000 Ready2.

Please note, the above listed offerings may contain products other than the operating systems. Please contact your local IBM representative for information about the Year 2000 Readiness of the other products contained in these offerings. In addition, information on these and other IBM products is available on the IBM Year 2000 product readiness database.

IBM provides this documentation "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. This document could contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of this document

The following information is based on what is known today based on testing that has been done to date. This document will be updated as new information becomes available. The responsibility for using the latest level of this document lies with the user of the document. To verify that you have the latest level, please contact your account representative .

  1. Appropriate fixpaks will be available in the U.S. beginning October 1997. The corresponding NLS versions will be available starting October 1997. For additional details, visit the Personal Software Services Web site.
  2. Most, if not all products, are going to require fixpaks to make them Year 2000 Ready.

Network Computing Software Products Year 2000 Classification
Tuesday, February 17, 1998

IBM OS/2 Warp 4

Table 3.0 -

Product Package consists of the following CDs

CD-Rom's Year 2000 Classification
OS/2 Warp 4 See Table 3.1
BonusPak Shipped "as is" and declared not Year 2000 Ready
Device Driver Pak Shipped "as is" and declared not Year 2000 Ready
Lotus Notes Mail 4.1 Year 2000 Ready per Lotus
Application Sampler CD Shipped "as is" and declared not Year 2000 Ready

Table 3.1 -

IBM Announcement Letter (US) - Document 296-375

Product consists of the following components

All Components of the OS/2 Warp Version 4 CD-Rom Component
Release Year 2000 Classification
OS/2 Warp 4 (base operating system) 5639A6100 4.00 Year 2000 Ready with fixpak (* see footnote)
OS/2 Warp Win-OS2
(base Win-OS/2 operating system)

4.00 Year 2000 Ready with fixpak (* see footnote)
TCP/IP for OS/2 Warp & Apps 5639A6600 4.00 Year 2000 Ready with fixpak (* see footnote)
TCP/IP DOS for OS/2 Warp (Winsock) 5639A6500 4.00 Year 2000 Ready
WebExplorer 562281301 3.00 Netscape Navigator 2.02 is available free on the Web as an alternative to Web Explorer which is not Year 2000 Ready.
NetScape Navigator OS/2
2.02 Year 2000 Ready per Netscape Communications Corporation.
TCP/IP - Stack 5639B1700 5.10 Year 2000 Ready
Personal Communications 5639A3300 4.10.1 Year 2000 Ready
DHCP/DDNS Client 562290901 4.00 Year 2000 Ready
File & Print Sharing Client: Peer 5639A6000 4.00 Year 2000 Ready with fixpak (* see footnote)
File & Print Sharing Client: LAN Requester 5639A6000 5.04 Year 2000 Ready with fixpak (* see footnote)
File & Print Sharing Client: UPM, UPME 5639A6000 5.04 Year 2000 Ready with fixpak (* see footnote)
MPTS 5639A5700 5.10 Year 2000 Ready
Netware Client 562284800 4.00 Year 2000 Ready
SV Agents, SNMP/DMTF 576562200 1.00, 1.04, 1.10, 2.00 Year 2000 Ready
Java for OS/2 5639B3300
Year 2000 Ready with upgrade (** see footnote)
Opendoc 5639B3100 1.00 Year 2000 Ready
OpenGL 5639A6100 4.00 Year 2000 Ready
Netfinity Client Services RETAIN 562237000 SYSLEVEL FILE 564201000 4.00 Year 2000 Ready
LAN Distance Remote 5639A5900 5.00 Year 2000 Ready
ART (Software Registration Tool) 5622A0201 1.00 Year 2000 Ready
* Component will be considered Year 2000 Ready with the installation of applicable fixpaks which will be made available from Personal Software Products. Fixpaks are planned to be available in 4Q97. Customers should contact IBM to request the fixpak for their specific language.

** Sun Microsystems has established their JDK version 1.1.6 and subsequent versions of the Java JDK to be Year 2000 ready. All earlier versions must be upgraded to at least version 1.1.6 to become Year 2000 ready. The OS/2 Warp Developer's Kit for Java 1.1.6 is the upgrade path for Year 2000 readiness for Java 1.0.x, 1.1.1 and 1.1.4 for OS/2. The following versions are not Year 2000 ready:

  • Java 1.0.1 for OS/2, included with OS/2 Warp 4
  • Java 1.0.2 for OS/2, previously available in the Software Choice catalog and also provided with Netscape Navigator 2.0.2
  • Java 1.1.1 for OS/2, previously available in the Software Choice catalog.
  • Java 1.1.4 for OS/2, previously available in the Software Choice catalog.

Last Update: January 13, 1999

Network Computing Software Products Year 2000 Classification
Tuesday, February 17, 1998

IBM OS/2 Warp Version 3
IBM OS/2 Warp with Win-OS2 Version 3

Table 4.0 -

Product Package consists of the following CDs

CD-Rom's Year 2000 Classification
OS/2 Warp Version 3 Operating System See Table 4.1
OS/2 Warp Win-OS2 (base Win-OS/2 operating system) See Table 4.1
BonusPak Shipped "as is" and declared not Year 2000 Ready
Lotus Notes Express Client, Release 3.3

(Only available with OS/2 Warp Connect and OS/2 Warp Connect with Win-OS2)

Year 2000 Ready per Lotus

Table 4.1 -

OS/2 Warp Version 3 IBM Announcement Letter (US) - Document 294-667

OS/2 Warp Version 3 Product consists of the following components

Component Component
Release Year 2000
OS/2 Warp Win-OS2 (base Win-OS/2 operating system) 562274700 3.00 Year 2000 Ready with fixpak (* see footnote)
OS/2 Warp Version 3 (base operating system) 562260100 3.00 Year 2000 Ready with fixpak (* see footnote)
* Component will be considered Year 2000 Ready with the installation of applicable fixpaks which will be made available from Personal Software Products. Fixpaks are planned to be available in 4Q97. Customers should contact IBM to request the fixpak for their specific language.

Network Computing Software Products Year 2000 Classification
Tuesday, February 17, 1998

IBM OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3
IBM OS/2 Warp Connect with Win-OS2 Version 3

Table 5.0 -

Product Package consists of the following CDs

CD-Rom's Year 2000 Classification
OS/2 Warp Version 3 Operating System See Table 5.1
BonusPak Shipped "as is" and declared not Year 2000 Ready
Lotus Notes Express Client, Release 3.3

(Only available with OS/2 Warp Connect and OS/2 Warp Connect with Win-OS2)

Year 2000 Ready per Lotus

Table 5.1 -

OS/2 Warp Version 3 IBM Announcement Letter (US) - Document 294-667

OS/2 Warp Version 3 Connect IBM Announcement Letter (US) - Document 296-199

OS/2 Warp Version 3 Product consists of the following components

Component Component
Release Year 2000

OS/2 Warp Connect Fullpack



Year 2000 Ready with fixpak (* see footnote)
OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3 (base operating system) 562267100 1.00 Year 2000 Ready with fixpak (* see footnote)
OS/2 Warp Win-OS2 (base Win-OS/2 operating system) 562274700 3.00 Year 2000 Ready with fixpak (* see footnote)
OS/2 Warp Version 3 (base operating system) 562260100 3.00 Year 2000 Ready with fixpak (* see footnote)
TCP/IP 562281300 3.00 Year 2000 Ready with fixpak (* see footnote)
TCP/IP for DOS (Winsock) 5639A6500 3.00 Year 2000 Ready
MPTS 562280700 1.00 Year 2000 Ready
OS/2 Peer 569653000 1.00 Year 2000 Ready with fixpak (* see footnote)
Netware Client 562284800 2.11 Year 2000 Ready
Network-Signon Coordinator 564804900 1.10 Year 2000 Ready
Lotus Notes Express Client 562282900 3.30 Year 2000 Ready
LAN Server Requester 562284600 4.00 Year 2000 Ready with fixpak (* see footnote)
LAN Distance Remote 562284500 1.10 Year 2000 Ready
* Component will be considered Year 2000 Ready with the installation of applicable fixpaks which will be made available from Personal Software Products. Fixpaks are planned to be available in 4Q97. Customers should contact IBM to request the fixpak for their specific language.

Network Computing Software Products Year 2000 Classification
Tuesday, February 17, 1998

IBM OS/2 Warp Server, Version 4
IBM OS/2 Warp Server Version 4 First Step Edition
IBM OS/2 Warp Server Advanced, Version 4

Table 6.0 -

Product Package consists of the following CDs

CD-Rom's Year 2000 Classification
OS/2 Warp Server Version 4 See Table 6.1
OS/2 Warp Version 3 See Table 6.1
Utilities CD Shipped "as is" and declared not Year 2000 Ready

Table 6.1 -

IBM Announcement Letter (US) - Document 296-056

Product consists of the following components:

Component Component
Release Year 2000
OS/2 Warp Version 3 (base operating system) 562274700 3.01 Year 2000 Ready with fixpak (* see footnote)
TCP/IP for OS/2 , Stack and Apps 562259100 3.10 Year 2000 Ready with fixpak (* see footnote)
TCP/IP - DOS (Winsock) 5639A6500 3.10 Year 2000 Ready
MPTS 562290900 5.00 Year 2000 Ready
SNMP/DMI Agents 576562200 1.10 Year 2000 Ready
DHCP Client 562290901 3.10 Year 2000 Ready
DHCP Server 562293700 3.10 Year 2000 Ready
DDNS Server 562293600 3.10 Year 2000 Ready
Netware Client 562284800 2.11 Year 2000 Ready
Network-Signon 564804900 1.10 Year 2000 Ready
LAN Server Requester 562294000 5.00 Year 2000 Ready with Fixpak (* see footnote)
DLS 562294200 5.00 Year 2000 Ready
LAN Distance Remote 562293900 5.00 Year 2000 Ready
LAN Distance Remote WIN 562215600 5.00 Year 2000 Ready
LAN Distance Server 562288600 5.00 Year 2000 Ready
LAN Server Entry 562288900 5.00 Year 2000 Ready with Fixpak (* see footnote)
LAN Server Advance 562288901 5.00 Year 2000 Ready with Fixpak (* see footnote)
Mobile File Sync 562284300 1.00 Year 2000 Ready
UPM 562288902 5.00 Year 2000 Ready with Fixpak (* see footnote)
UPME 562288903 5.00 Year 2000 Ready with Fixpak (* see footnote)
System View 562288700 1.00 Year 2000 Ready
HP JetAdmin 562293100 2.04 Year 2000 Ready
Lexmark MarkVision 562293200 1.00 Year 2000 Ready
Netware to OS/2 Warp Migration Tool 562276500 1.01 Year 2000 Ready
NMP/DMI Agents 576562200 1.00 Year 2000 Ready
PSnS 562288400 5.01 Year 2000 Ready
WIN 95 Agent 562293400 1.00 Year 2000 Ready
PSF/2 562288800 2.00 Year 2000 Ready
ART 5648A0201 1.70 Year 2000 Ready
* Component will be considered Year 2000 Ready with the installation of applicable fixpaks which will be made available from Personal Software Products. Fixpaks are planned to be available in 4Q97. Customers should contact IBM to request the fixpak for their specific language.

© AGN y2kadmin Last modified: Sun Jan 31 10:07 MET 1999