Virus Test Center
University of Hamburg 
Computer Science Department
aVTC-Seite in deutsch
(Stand: Dezember 2004)

 FTP: Docs  FTP: Scanner  VTC code of conduct  criteria for perfect&excellent

Anti-Virus/AntiMalware Scanner-Tests

Recent publications

 testing the detection of malware embedded in compression and archive formats  (english, PDF document)
   by Fabian Müller, Heiko Fangmeier, Michel Messerschmidt, Jan Seedorf (July 2004)
 Presentation at LinuxTag 2003   (german, PDF document)
   by Bodo Eggert, Michel Messerschmidt & Jan Seedorf (Karlsruhe, July 12th, 2003)


 Amiga Group
 Macintosh Group 
 PC Group 

Last correction: August 20, 2003 JFS & HCP